Several junior researchers from international institutions of excellence will participate at the Workshop. They will present their scientific advances in different areas of plant biotechnology and genomics and computational biology.
Next January 30th the first Junior Workshop Frontiers in Plant Biology will be held at CBGP (UPM-INIA). This J-Workshop is organised within the framework of the Severo Ochoa (SO) Program and the strategic CBGP-SO action CsBGP (Computational Systems Biology and Genomics Program of the CBGP).
The attending to the Workshop does not require any previous registration. The J-Workshop speakers and their conferences titles are the following:
1. Israel Ausin(Basic Forestry and Proteomics Center, Fuzhou, China)
Histone deposition pathways
2. Alejandro Couce(Imperial College, UK)
Fast-forwarding evolution: combining experiments with Next-Generation Sequencing to tackle long-standing questions in Biology
3. Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro(Imperial College, UK)
Microbial strain improvement by synthetic biology and metabolic engineering
4. Laura de Lorenzo Barrios(University of Kentucky, USA)
Alternative polyadenylation in plants: New insights from global analyses
5. Luis Rodriguez Moreno(Wagenigen University & Research, The Netherlands)
A secreted chitin binding LysM effector protects fungal hyphae against hydrolysis through intermolecular dimerization
6. Luis Sanchez-Pulido(University of Edinburgh)
Analysis of Protein Function in the Twilight Zone of Homology Detection
7. Eduoard Severing (MPIPZ, Germany)
Genomics analysis of life-history traits in Arabis species.
8. Krzysztof Wabnik(University of California San Diego, USA)
Understanding plant hormone signaling through synergy of computational and synthetic biology