The scientific group ‘Circadian and seasonal control of growth-dormancy cycle in poplar’ at CBGP (UPM-INIA) explores the conserved photoperiodic regulation between Arabidopsis flowering and the control of poplar shoot apical growth.
In plants, a leaf-localized photoperiodic time measurement (PTM) mechanism modulates the transcription of
Flowering locus T (FT). This molecule translates the photoperiodic information to the meristem giving rise to seasonal responses. In the present study, we analyzed conserved elements and identified new candidate genes involved in poplar FT regulation, putting forward new perspectives in the molecular network controlling growth to dormancy transition in poplar.Original Paper:
Triozzi, PM; Ramos-Sánchez, JM; Hernández-Verdeja, T; Moreno-Cortés, A; Allona, I; Perales, M. 2018. "Photoperiodic regulation of shoot apical growth in poplar". Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01030".